Tuesday, December 30, 2008

NAS: Queens Get The Money

This is the "unofficial" video to the intro to Nas' most recent album. This is the second "unofficial" video he's dropped from this project. In a country with a so-called right to free speech, its crazy that he had to change his album title from "Nigger" to "Untitled", and to express the imagery he wanted to display, he couldn't even be in two of the four videos from his own project. In case you haven't seen it, below is the other unofficial video my nig Tag did.


Anonymous said...

For those of you who dont know thats
!!!!!! JAMES BALDWIN!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

This is way deep. I dont like Nas but I like his messages. I like this.

Anonymous said...

i dnt particularly care 4 nas either. dnt know why cause lyrically dope